Gabriel Knight... there are destinies we cannot avoid


NEW The GK forum is ready; old VU forums closing.
NEW Norwegian translation of this site!
NEW “Cat hair moustache” puzzle – full exposé!
NEW Interview with Scott Bilas (technical lead, GK3) by Philip Jong.
NEW Full transcript of Ingrid Heyn’s interview with Robert Holmes.
NEW The Bavaria article is now up.
NEW Yates poem: GK inspiration article is now up.
POSTCARD PETITION GK forum postcard petition to VUG; example text is here on the campaign site.
SIGN Our guestbook is waiting for your signature;
IMPORTANT! How you can help with the GK4 Campaign;
FORTHCOMING Rennes-le-Château; St George; The Templars.

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The Gabriel Knight story

Despite Jane Jensen's statements concerning the development of the series (the series was not supposed to end with GK3, and she had already developed a plot for a possible GK4), the production of GK4 never turned into reality. Talks and rumours about GK4 have taken place more than once during all these years, peaking with the current situation: at this very moment, there are many intimations that “a serious discussion about Gabriel Knight 4 is taking place” and that Jane Jensen is involved in these discussions. And this is the very reason why you are reading this article: the Gabriel Knight 4 campaign is a means by which the Gabriel Knight fans are trying to give a helping hand and disinter Gabriel Knight from the premature burial to which Vivendi’s (and other game companies’) uninterest in producing an adventure game has consigned him.

We may yet see Gabriel Knight arise from the grave.

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