Gabriel Knight... there are destinies we cannot avoid


NEW The GK forum is ready; old VU forums closing.
NEW Norwegian translation of this site!
NEW “Cat hair moustache” puzzle – full exposé!
NEW Interview with Scott Bilas (technical lead, GK3) by Philip Jong.
NEW Full transcript of Ingrid Heyn’s interview with Robert Holmes.
NEW The Bavaria article is now up.
NEW Yates poem: GK inspiration article is now up.
POSTCARD PETITION GK forum postcard petition to VUG; example text is here on the campaign site.
SIGN Our guestbook is waiting for your signature;
IMPORTANT! How you can help with the GK4 Campaign;
FORTHCOMING Rennes-le-Château; St George; The Templars.

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Current GK Status

All of these things have played their part in this latest effort by GK fans to encourage the making of GK4. These are elements which lead us to suppose that this is an ideal time to make a powerful effort to see Gabriel Knight 4 made. That is the reason for the creation of this website, and that is the reason for its content-richness. The focus is upon GK4, but we acknowledge that it’s all the elements that have contributed to the Gabriel Knight series which are likely to attract supporters for GK4.

If you are here, reading this, you’ll be aware of what we’re doing. You’ll be aware of the work we have put into this campaign, and we believe that if you found your way to this site because of an interest in paranormal mysteries, arcane mysteries, historical mysteries, religious mysteries, elements of horror and fantasy, and simply great storytelling… well, we firmly believe you will love playing the Gabriel Knight games. We urge you to find the first three games (available on ebay and Amazon), play them with the help of the resources we have listed for playing classic games on today’s computers, and join the campaign for getting Gabriel Knight 4 made.

We’ve listed the various ways in which you can help, and we welcome any ideas you have that would encourage the making of GK4. Please feel free to email the GK4 Campaign Project Co-ordinator with any suggestions, and do not forget to send a courteous email to Vivendi, in which you ask for GK4 to be made.

And please remember… a campaign like this can only run on the fuel of every fan’s enthusiasm, energy and assistance. In other words... WE NEED YOU.


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